
Pike Fishing Lures and Spinners

The purpose of pike lures and spinners is to imitate the appearance of a smaller prey fish moving through the water with the aim of the pike trying to take a bite out of it and hooking itself. Despite this fact, you will be surprised to learn that most of the time, these lures and spinners are at best a very distant resemblance. The pike do however go for these baits with much more frequency than those lures which are a spitting image of the prey.

The effectiveness of a pike lure is dependent on many things; weight, colour, lure action and the speed through the water which is governed by the angler.

There are a huge number of different pike lures on the market and there is good reason for this: There are many different things which factor into the fishes attraction in the bait. For instance a lure and technique which has the fish literally jumping onto the shore on a cold January day will probably not have the same results in the middle of a hot July summers day. It is not just temperature that must be taken into account. Time of day is a huge factor in your choice of lures. Think about it. You wouldn't want a steak and 6 beers for breakfast, and you probably wouldn't want a bowl of cornflakes for your dinner. Pike are the same, they are particular about what they eat and when they eat it.

As a general rule of thumb, the fish swim lower and slower the colder it is. In colder conditions, you should tailor your lures so that you are able to fish slowly on the bottom. The pike just don't have the energy or inclination to go zipping around after a torpedo shooting around at the surface when all the other fish around them are also slow and tired too, they are a much easier proposition.

Pike lures are generally cheap and readily available so you have no excuse not to have the right arsenal at the ready for whatever the conditions are on a particular day. Most are very durable so they can be taken by a lot of fish before they start to show any signs of wearing out.

Spinners get their name for the action they perform when pulled through the water. Shaped like a propeller, when given movement under water, the propeller like shape causes them to spin around themselves. The main advantage of spinners is that the reflections they give out when they are spinning are interpreted by the pike as the natural reflections from the prey fishes body which attracts them to bite.


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